Title: Be Clever Not Beautiful
Artist: Sen
moment_of_senRating: R
Characters/Pairings: evil!Sam/Dean
Spoilers: 2x14 - Born Under A Bad Sign
Warnings: sorta implied non-con, tho could be dub-con if you want. Incest; nasty Sammy implied.
Artist's Note: My dear
ze_pink_lady insisted that I attempt something porny (which I'm too shy to do), and then this popped out. Hurrah for fandom-stopping episodes! The title was taken from "Clever Not Beautiful" by Hawksley Workman. Many thanks to my lovely Lau and Will (
estel_willow) for egging me on.
I plan to repost this in about a month with a colour version once I'm in a position to actually scan this instead of using my digital camera, so, keep your eyes peeled for then!