Zechs wouldn't say that Heero's decision to resign from the Preventer organization was the wrong one or a bad choice (especially since he himself advocated it), but it has created its share of snarls in an otherwise smoothly functioning network
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Duo's voice sounds more than mildly distracted. He is probably doing at least three things at once, which is his usual M.O.
"How can I assist you on this lovely day?"
He obviously didn't check what extension the call was coming from.
"You could," he says in an amused tone, "copy, collate and file a stack of forms two feet tall, but since you're not my secretary I'll settle for you coming up to my office. There's something I'd like your input on."
Not that Marlene has to fetch him coffee or any of the myriad of other things some people feel it necessary to make their secretaries do, Zechs reflects as he hangs up the phone. She probably deserves a raise, actually, with all the work piling up on her of late.
-Just as long as she doesn't ask for a date again.- Zechs goes back to staring at his coffee and waits for Duo.
He tilts his head and eyes Zech's desk, coffee, and general stance. There is a notable lack of saluting, or any other formalities.
"Or words to that effect. Have a seat, Duo, this shouldn't take particularly long."
"And if it isn't an international incident, it's probably Heero."
"Which means that some sort of decision has to be made about exactly what your placement will be. I have some ideas, but thought it would be prudent to ask what your thoughts on the matter are."
Disgruntled agents make for a disgrunted person in charge of them. Because as much as he can make their lives hell, they can make his worse. Never underestimate the power of whiny people in large numbers.
"I'll be sticking around for a while, still. I'm not particularly open to the idea to another permanent partner, though. Not unless you have another Gundam pilot up your sleeve."
That'd be a good trick, really...
Zechs shakes his head. "No, I hadn't been entertaining the idea of giving you a permanent partner. It wouldn't be an efficient allocation of resources, given that you wouldn't work as well with them as you did with Heero. No, I had thought of putting you on single status. We don't have many designated like that, but it would be rather convenient for all involved if you'd prefer that to being on a team."
He grimaces a bit as he says the word "team," but then Zechs has never been able to play nice with large groups.
There's no arrogance, here, at this moment. Duo is confident in his abilities, though. And he knows himself better than anyone else does.
Duo sits up straight. "I did have kind of a favor to ask."
A blond eyebrow arches and Zechs tilts his head curiously at the last part of Duo's statement.
"A favour? What is it?"
Duo fidgets, and shakes his head. "But the big thing, I guess, is I want to get his records sealed. This is his chance to start over, and I don't want anyone getting info about his past. And I mean anyone."
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