(no subject)

Jul 20, 2006 20:54

Things would have made more sense when Zechs woke up the next morning, if he had any recollection of the previous night's events. As things were, he'd found that his headache was still present, though at least not as bad as it had been. He'd also found Heero gone, something that had struck him as peculiar. He should have heard something, if Heero had gotten up. At that point he had noticed that the bunk, while somewhat dishevelled as if someone had lain on it for a short period of time, had not been slept in. Zechs isn't aware of the split that happened last night, one of the more serious ones he's ever had.

Heero's absence is something that's been bothering him all day, chewing away at his concentration as he's carried on the investigation that he's come here to do by himself. Standard protocol dictates that agents work in pairs except in special circumstances, and partners, even temporary ones, should keep each other informed of where they are at all times. And given the circumstances, the fact that Heero is neglecting something so basic hones the edge on Zechs' already growing suspicion. He's reviewed the profile of the first suspected murder, and too much seems too familiar. The method of the killings, the perpetrator's profile based on the available evidence, Heero's behaviour in the past and present, and the fact that he's been missing all day.

Eventually, it becomes so distracting that Zechs can't continue with his investigation. Instinctively checking to make sure his duty firearm is loaded and the rest of his weaponry is close at hand, he begins methodically searching the station until he at last finds Heero. He's in one of the designated smoking areas, blocked off from the rest of the station and with its own air filtering and circulation system. What Heero is doing there, Zechs can't possibly imagine, but he steels himself regardless and enters the area. The smoke stings at his eyes and makes him cough; he's been sensitive to smoke since that fateful day when he was six, and on top of that, it smells absolutely foul. He can't understand why someone would voluntarily do something like this to themselves.

'Heero,' he begins, coughing halfway through the word and having to start again. 'Heero, where have you been? I haven't seen you all day, and you weren't there this morning.' He's careful not to let his suspicion become audible in his voice as he walks over - something he'd obviously be avoiding if he had any idea what had happened.
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