(no subject)

Apr 03, 2006 22:10

When Zechs enacts revenge, it is his custom to do so swiftly and without warning (never mind that he waited over a decade to avenge his family, because that was a special circumstance). It is this trait that finds him first dropping off a load of paperwork at Duo's office with the explicit instruction that it be completed within the hour. It's more than enough to keep the boy busy for long enough for Zechs to do what he needs to do.

On that subject, he's currently standing in front of Duo's assigned locker in the Preventer HQ male locker room. The padlock on the door really isn't difficult (the locks on the barrack doors at Victoria were harder, and they'd never presented Zechs with any trouble), and as soon as the door opens, Zechs spots what he's looking for.

'Beautiful,' he murmurs to himself as he lifts out the large bottle of conditioner. Zechs sits down on a bench; he takes a second bottle out from a bag sitting on the floor and empties a large quantity of the contitioner into it, then stows it away again.

The next bottle that comes out is one that Duo would probably shit bricks if he saw. Clear, heavy corn syrup, guaranteed to be thick, sticky and lingering. It takes a couple bottles of the stuff to replace the lost volume in the other container, but when Zechs mixes it and squeezes a bit out onto his fingers, he's satisfied. It looks, feels and smells normal.

But normal it definitely is not, as Duo will find out when he tries to use the stuff. By the time he reaches the ends of his hair, the stuff at the top of his head will probably have started to grow sticky and clumpy.

Zechs replaces the bottle, making sure that it's in the exact same place with the same part of the container facing outward. Then he closes the door, locks it, stashes the evidence in the back of his own locker, and heads for his office.
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