[OOC; X plottin']

Jul 13, 2008 16:12

Hey fellow X-muns, I got a couple things I wanna discuss, mostly involving the events of the latter half of the series. :x Anyone else with canon knowledge of X is welcome to comment too.

First off, Subaru. After he and Seishirou faceoff at Rainbow Bridge, what's he gonna be doing? In the anime, he practically turned into a vegetable until Kamui went to go fight Fuuma at the tower and was 'awakened' by Hokuto and Kakyou's efforts. Unless you're gonna go the manga direction and make him a Dragon of Earth, Oreo. :x But expect Sora to be pissed at him.

Secondly, and I hate to say it, really, but it's gonna happen sooner or later (later, though)- Sora's death trying to protect Arashi. What I was planning on doing was having a voice post come into the main comm via Sora's cell phone (what? I think he'd have one. >__>), where everyone hears Fuuma attempting to kill Arashi, only to impale Sora, and the ensuing explosion/kamikaze attack. Two things about this, though. One, should I have Kamui be talking to people since Arashi's in hysterics, or have Sora talk shortly before he dies? Second, ...how the hell is he going to come back? D: He's too fun of a muse to get rid of like that.


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