I really don't get it.
Today when I got home, I ended up reading bits and pieces of my notebook that I kept this summer for when I got really upset about any given thing. And so I'm upset and just writing whatever random thought is in my head, and MY WRITING IS STILL DECENT. I mean, it's organized and coherent and I managed to get to the point and describe it fairly succinctly (despite being a very long-winded person), so long as I, myself, knew what I was upset about at the time of writing.
So why is it, I ask, that I can be in frickin tears and still make sense and write decently, but the second I go to write in French, my writing becomes blurry and disorganized and shitty? It's not even a language issue, how to organize a paragraph is fairly universal! You can have a bazillion grammatical and syntax errors and still have a well-organized paragraph or paper.
Maybe because in English, the organization is somewhat instinctual, but when I write in French, I get so hung up on the language and grammar that I just don't think about it and it all goes to hell?
On another note, just read the I Wrote This For You for today (
http://www.pleasefindthis.blogspot.com/ ) and while it makes me sad, it, once again, is absolutely gorgeous. SO HERE IT IS (btw, on the actual blog, there's always a picture to go with, so you're actually best off going to check it out)
"You buy things and you keep them clean. You take care of them. Keep them in a special pocket. Away from keys and coins. Away from other things that should be kept clean and taken care of as well. Then they get scratched. And scratched again. And again. And again. And again. Soon, you don't care about them anymore. You don't keep them in a special pocket. You throw them in the bag with everything else. They've surpassed their form and become nothing but function. People are like that. You meet them and keep them clean. In a special pocket. And then you start to scratch them. Not on purpose. Sometimes you just drop them by accident or forget which pocket they're in. But after the first scratch, it's all downhill from there. You see past their form. They become function. They are a purpose. Only their essence remains."
/shameless plug
Any thoughts? On either my writing inconsistencies or I Wrote This For You XDDD