I don't want to talk about the past week right now, because i'm just kind of numb about it, which is sort of unhealthy I guess, but whatev. That will take care of itself.
Here's the thing. There's this part of me that wants to be all "super indie queen" or something and "yeah I found that band like..last year". It's super annoying. I have pretty different music tastes from you guys, anyways, so it's not like you'll care if i gush about music? or..wait. would it be the other way, and this would me more annoying? aaah. whatev. anyways i heard about Tegan and Sara last year, but didn't really like their music i guess. but i just rented grey's anatomy and now I like them. Anyone like Grey's Anatomy?
where do you go with your broken heart in tow
what do you do with the left over you
and how do you know, when to let go
where does the good go, where does the good go
look me in the eye and tell me you don't find me attractive
look me in the heart and tell me you won't go
look me in the eye and promise no love's like our love
look me in the heart and un break broken, it won't happen
it's love that breaks the seal of always thinking you would be
real, happy and healthy, strong and calm, where does the good go
where does the good go
where do you go when you're in love and the world knows
how do you live so happily while I am sad and broken down
what do you say it's up for grabs now that you're on your way down
where does the good go, where does the good go
nice. it's not like i relate to it exactly, but do you have to drink to like a song about getting CRUNK? Not that I do. So..okay. Maybe you do have to relate to like a song.
Soo..a long-winded..roundabout annoying-ass birthday want.
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00009L4SL/ref=pd_cps_m_1/002-6906108-3460020?v=glance&s=music or this =D
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000EMGAOY/ref=pd_sim_music_1/002-6906108-3460020?v=glance&s=music i cant sleep.
k thanks for reading bye.