Aug 13, 2004 21:05
name: Vinny *unoficially*
single or taken: Single
sex: Female.
birthday: June 20
siblings: Twin. Brothers.
hair color: black/hmm. looking a bit lighter fo' some reason
eye color: brown
shoe size: 8 1/2- 9
height: 5' 4?
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
who are your best friends?: eee so many lucky me ^.^
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nyope
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
where is your favorite place to shop: >.< noooo idear.
any tattoos or piercings: ears
s p e c i f i c s
do you do drugs?: OF COURSE NOT
what kind of shampoo do you use?: DOve
what are you most scared of?: umm...*most*? I can't single out anything
who is the last person that called you?: ....... i cant remember...
whatever happened to the sixth question...? wtf?
how many buddies are online right now?: 9
what would you change about yourself?:er...ill get back to ya
f a v o r i t e s
color(s): brown/green/blue
food: ...hmm...well..I like soup.
boys names: er..I dont know..-.-
girls names: same ^
subjects in school:
animals: doggies?
sports to watch: i dont..really watch sports ^.^;
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
given anyone a bath?: ewok..suey..sach
smoked?: NEVER
bungee jumped?: no.
made yourself throw up?: nope
skinny dipped?: never
ever been in love?: nope
made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: nope
pictured your crush naked? >.< eeeee gross. also, what crush?
actually seen your crush naked?: never been one for imaginary friends, either.
cried when someone died?: Of course
lied: well..yes
fallen for your best friend?: o.o um..all my best friends are girls NO
been rejected?: nope
rejected someone?: nope.
used someone?: nope.
done something you regret?: yup
c u r r e n t
clothes: jeans, black billabong shirt, ponytail, headphones
music: radio
make-up: nothin
annoyance: heat
smell: water
desktop picture: flower in my backyard
book you're reading: Fire Bringer
CD in cd player: i dont have a cd player ^.^;
l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: mom..when i hugged her
you hugged: my mother
you imed: Maaike
you yelled at: my mother -.-
a r e | y o u
understanding: I think so
open-minded: I guess not
arrogant: *Of course not! I'm perfect!* haha I hope not
insecure: I guess so
interesting: ..unlikely
random: YERSS
hungry: not right now
smart: nope. i'm an idioT! yay!
moody: ...yes -.-* dont mess
hardworking: I like to think so
organized: I try to be
healthy: i hope so
shy: usually
difficult: uh...dunno
attractive: uh...dunno
bored easily: im bored right now.
messy: yup
responsible: i..just cant. sorry. tried that >.<;
obsessed: *shrugs* maybe
angry: hmm..if somethings worth getting angry over i guess
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: EEE kill?! aaah. I'm deathly afraid of death. nyoo
slap: you could be next, bub
get high with: nobody
look like: umm...iuno
talk to who's offline: umm..erika? georgia..lisa havent talked to them for a while
talk to who's online: umm..breanna..maaike yeah ^.^
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: not one to cross
all i need is: love and boba
I dream about: eeee itd blow your mind. I'm a creative genius when I sleep! no, really! if only I remembered more when i woke ^.^
o p p o s i t e | s e x
what do you notice first: uh.. their face?
last person you slow danced with: nobody
who do you have a crush on: nobody
who has a crush on you: >.> i dunno
makes you laugh the most: i..uh..*thinks really hard* josh i guess
makes you smile: call me immature >.< i dont really hang with em
d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: nope
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: nope
wish you were younger: yup
cried because someone said something to you?: *tears up* It wasn't~just~a thing~ *sob* --Yeah, but I've gotten over it
N u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: 0
of hearts i have broken: 0?
guys ive kissed: 0
of continents i have lived in:2
of tight friends: a few...
of cds i own: about...0?
of scars on my body: lost count
F i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
do you like fillings these out?: most of the time
gold or silver: either shinies
what was the last film you saw at the movies?: *small voice* Princess Diaries 2 */sv*
favorite cartoon/anime?: so sad. I dont watch much anymore. Tom and Jerry rules for all time tho! ^.^
what did you have for breakfast this morning? bowl of cereal
who would you love being locked in a room with? I..i..did i mention I'm closterphobic [however you spell it] too? Even like..a big room. But if I had to, one of my BFFs! ^.^
could you live without your computer?: yea, but a deprived life nonetheless
would you color your hair? maybe
could you ever get off the computer? yea
habla espanol? *hats off to summer* not anymore!
how many people are on your buddy list? 110