Apr 29, 2009 23:33
10:30am - The warm weather was nice, but apparently just a phase. Damn.
@smoorecrux Structure is overrated. Unless it’s scaffolding.
@mysteriaite Dream House by Valerie Laken. In the Woods by Tana French.
1:30pm - ATL is looking for a lighting techs. I guess I’ll add Louisville to the possible re-location list.
2pm - Would like to tech in a theatre that is not eternally freezing.
5:30pm - Just received picture from boyfriend of store front in NYC - Pocket Pooches…WANT!
7:30pm - Really tired of this blurry uncomfortable right contact thing. Only one left. Can’t order new yet. DILEMMA!
@kylevansandt YIKES. Don’t die?
9pm - The sound design for this show is epic. Occasionally I feel like I’m in Jurassic Park.
11:30pm - Cannot wait til I am sharing my kitchen with only one other person again. This one is driving me batty.
Spent some time searching out people and companies on twitter to properly give a representation of what I would be doing. I came up with a lot more than I thought I would - well, in terms of companies, I suppose. I’m pretty sure that I’ve been on the back end of receiving new technological information (of the theatre variety) and…well…I like geek speak…
It’s kind of scary, but…from someone who has spent the majority of the last 8 months with none of her real friends around her physically…this is starting to sound like an OK idea after all.