Apr 14, 2009 22:36
So...tomorrow is the deadline for taxes to be filed (without an extension).
Of course, this means that I just finally decided to do my RI taxes (the federal return has been in my account for quite some time now).
Unfortunetly, this also means that I had to get out the papers and do them myself.
...this proved my difficult than I would have thought.
RI Schedule V: Part time Resident Tax Calculation
A part year resident is a person who changed his legal residence by moving into or moving out of RI at any time during the year 2008. (So that means ME!) If you are a part year resident you should complete this schedule (EXCELLENT. Thank you for your help.)
If at any time during the year you were not a legal resident of RI, DO NOT COMPLETE THIS SCHEDULE.
...Wait...WHAT!? You just said that a part year resident is someone who moved in or out of RI...so at some point, therefore HAD to not be a legal resident...right?? ...oh Rhode Island...you make less and less sense every day.
I did manage to finish said taxes, but the amount that I am supposed to get back according to my calculations does note match the amount that I should be getting back according to TurboTax's calculations. Here's hoping that they just give me what I want and don't ask any questions because that would make life a little more awesome.
Generally my dad does my taxes, but I decided this year that I should grow up (brilliant, I know) and try them out for myself. Now, the federal taxes were a cinch - typed the information into the software online, answered a few questions, gave them the number that equals Me...and wha-la! Done, saved, printed - money's in my account a week later. And all for nothin!
I don't understand why you have to pay to have your state taxes filed. What makes them so different? Why is it so much more work for you to send this information to a slightly different government institution? I mean, really - $30 to file my state taxes - PER STATE. I'm sorry, but I currently work in three. I do not want to pay you $90 to do this piece of work for me. Granted, filing for seperate states I have learned can be a pain in the butt (Illinois is sooooooo much easier). However...like my dad always told me "Well, you'll generally get everything that they took out back again if you file in Illinois." (This was not true this year - I got a single lonely dollar.)
I would appreciate if this whole situation was figured out by tax time next year. At least next time, I'll know what to do with my RI stuff (hopefully...if I don't forget...yikes.) But who knows what I'll have to deal with after that!
Alright...well, now that taxes have officially turned my brain into complete and utter mush - time to go watch some Buffy (which I have recently started watching from the very begining and am enjoying probably a little too much). Hmmm....taxes suck your soul...vampires suck your blood....therefore taxes = vampires?