Finally! It's in my hands!

Mar 02, 2011 08:39

I was waiting for it for about month and a half... and now I do not have time to read it due to my work. What the fck!
Anyway, I'm happy) but there's a need to improve my English.
Wanna sit down and take a vocabulary and translate everything... but it is supposed for the second reading, for the first time I think it would be impossible to do it... when I'm reading, I'm falling into this world totally.

And today was another surprise - I received an answer from my Korean teacher. And not the fact, that I received answer for that  mine stupid letter of my absence at Sunday lesson... Suprisingly and awkwardly in it is that thing, that it's written in Korean and I DID understand everything...
Probably there's a chance that someday I will learn Korean?

who knows..
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