The 'Five Things'
Harry Potter Fic Exchange
I've always been a fan of fics like
Five People Lily Evans Never Fell In Love With and I thought, why not make a fic exchange using that as the general theme? So, that's what this is! And I also know that so many of us are working on fics for Big Bang Projects and we need a break to
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"If you have received your assignment and you are having a problem with it, please talk to me as soon as possible so I can help you. I'll either try to get you another assignment or talk to the person you're writing for and see if they have any other pairings/characters that they would be happy with you writing about. Please don't contact the person on your own, because I am trying to make it a surprise as to who is writing for who until the end of the exchange.
Please reply to this comment and let me know that you've received your assignment. If you haven't, I'll be sending it to you through a PM on LJ. In your reply, let me know if you have any problems with your assignment (a.k.a. if you absolutely cannot write what you've been given). Also let me know if you'd be willing to write a fic in the event that a writer backs out on their assignment and if the person you are writing for has backed out of the exchange, let me know if you would still like your fic to be included in the archive at the end of the exchange.
Remember to follow the rules: Fics need to be at least 1000 words and they must be beta-read. Please post your fic the day before the due date (the due date for all fics is May 30th, so please post it on May 28th/29th). On May 24th, I will be emailing all of you with the exact details for how the fics will be posted and how each person will be receiving their fic.
If you have any more questions or concerns, don't hesitate to email me! :) You're welcome to friend my journal for updates on the exchange, but it's not necessary. I will be emailing all of you with new information on the exchange as time goes on.
Good luck!
- Brittany
P.S. I also sent out an email asking if anyone would be willing to switch assignments with rosamondandcats. Please let me know if you received that email, it's very important. I really need someone to switch assignments with her, because she absolutely cannot write it. The request is slash and possible (but not required) smut, but she prefers to write non-canon pairings (no slash/femmeslash) and no smut/incest. If you'd like more details, please let me know. I'd love you forever if you'd consider it."
I have in fact received my assignment and I'm glad I decided to reread the e-mail before you had to yell at me for not replying!
I have absolutely no problems with my assignment, which is exciting, because I was getting nervous... I don't think that I could write a replacement fic,I'm going to have to kick myself in the bum enough to get this one done.
If birdseyeview drops out, I would definitely want it posted in the archive, that way it can live on in infamy... or something like that...
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