Challenge 3: Dragons and Drabbles

Aug 18, 2020 14:27

Let's write about dragons! For this challenge you will be writing 100 word drabbles with a dragon as the main character.

If your favorite fandom doesn't have one, you can borrow one from another fandom or make one up. You may also write original fiction for this challenge. Wyvern, Dragon shapeshifters, Chinese Dragons, and Naga also count as dragons

Write up to 4 drabbles (100 words exactly) where the main character is a dragon.

Post to your journal, AO3, or keepers_log and link back to your team thread.

50 points per drabble
Total points possible: 200 points +1 when submitting to team thread.

Due Date: 28 August 11:59pm Pacific

Countdown clock here; Time converter here

user: sidhe_faerie, guest host, cycle 05, writing, challenge, challenge 03

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