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sgafirenity August 11 2020, 22:48:59 UTC
In addition to seraphina_snape's suggestion of a backup mod, I think I sent you a PM about this but why don't you just create a Lighthouse mod user that all guest hosts can log in as, so that they can update the challenge list and such? Then if you are missing, or busy, then it's up to the mod of the week to update said information because I agree with seraphina_snape that it's difficult coming on and essentially having to scroll through pages to find active challenges. Which for me basically, I just scroll until I find a date that has passed. Which basically means I'm missing challenges. This idea means you'd have to repost things under that new member but it would make things easier for those that are just measly members, like me.

Question: I have no desire to be a mod for a week because I run my own community, all by myself but is there a post somewhere where I could essentially suggest challenges for those that are running challenges week to week? Then mods each week could pull from the suggestions made? Does something like that exist here?


blue_sunflowers August 12 2020, 04:41:06 UTC
I need to look into your first suggestion. I was like, ooooooooo. As to the question, neaptidea asked too and I thought I put up a post. I did put up a post about ways to track the challenges for now, until better ideas come forth https://lighthouse-the.livejournal.com/88778.html

Yeah, just relooked. I put up a suggestion/comment post on the sidebar, but I could probably reword it so that it's clearer for ideas. And also pimp it more.



sgafirenity August 12 2020, 05:14:13 UTC
I think it should be possible because everything that someone can do on a community is based on their access right? So if you had a 'member' named Lighthouse Mod or Guest Host that was essentially the thing that kept everything updated, then you'd just need to give passwords to the guest mods. Then you could have a 'challenge list' and any guest host would be able to update it. The problem with LJ is that multiple people can't update one post, but if you had a fake member that guest hosts could use, then it wouldn't matter who was the mod because they would be able to log in and update the information. I do think though that guest hosts would still want to post their challenges as themselves because then the emails to questions would go to them, but for updating posts and stuff on the community, it would make it easier ( ... )


blue_sunflowers August 13 2020, 20:08:52 UTC
On my phone, a + shows up that I can click to get the sidebar. I also have the option of changing the mobile format to be the same as the desktop format. Do you think that would be better?


lab_brat August 12 2020, 06:08:10 UTC
For the first suggestion, it would be better to just grant the people signed up as hosts mod status for the duration of the round. LJ may have a policy about sharing logins.
Edit2: Also that way you know who has done what, in case something goes wrong somewhere.


seraphina_snape August 12 2020, 14:06:45 UTC
Jumping in here to say that I second a mod account. It would make things much easier. (When I was still doing newsletter work, we'd usually use a shared mod account so that whoever was doing the newsletter that week had access to everything and could update any links etc.)


blue_sunflowers August 13 2020, 20:07:53 UTC
My issue I'm worried about is safety of the password for a generic mod account. Well, I guess maybe safety in general. I've been leaning back and forth on this and it seems both ideas have problems. There's the safety issue with the password for a generic account and there's the issue a guest host doesn't know how to update the sidebar. Any thoughts?


seraphina_snape August 13 2020, 20:40:14 UTC
Well, there would have to be a certain level of trust about the password - it won't work otherwise. I don't think any of us would abuse it (why would we?), but you could change it every round so that only current members/guest hosts would have access. (I'm assuming that people who sign up as guest hosts would have no reason to abuse the privilege of the mod account password to cause any trouble.) There is no need to post the password anywhere - you could let the relevant people know via PM.

As for the problem of people not knowing how to do modly things with the account - you could post a locked entry in the new mod journal that gives step-by-step instructions for just about anything that needs to be updated with each challenge posted/finished. That way anyone with the password/need to use the account would have the resources to update all the necessary things without cluttering up the main comm.


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