Mod Challenge 04: Even More Baaaaaannnnnnnneeeeeerrrrrsssss

Aug 11, 2020 13:24

Description: Make Winners banners! You may create 2 of each banner listed below.

Requirements: Should be 300x200. Banners must have some variation of the words listed in the requirements. You do not have to be exact. You need to leave space on each banner so that people can personalize them (put their name, cycle o1, etc)

Banner 1: winners, cycle, crew_land, lighthouse_the
Banner 2: winners, cycle, crew_sea, lighthouse_the
Banner 3: 1500+, cycle, lighthouse_the
Banner 4: first place, cycle, points, lighthouse_the
Banner 5: second place, cycle, points, lighthouse_the
Banner 6: third place, cycle, points, lighthouse_the
Banner 7: 100% participation, cycle, lighthouse_the

+10 points per banner
+10 if others can use them.
+1 sigtag
Max = 151 points

Due Date: Sunday, Oct 25th @ 11:59 pm Pacific. Countdown clock here; Time converter here


Can others use them:


mc 04, cycle 05, banners, user: blue_sunflowers, graphics, challenge, mod challenge

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