Challenge 29: Moodtheme Part Deux - Flash Challenge!

Jul 25, 2020 20:42

Sorry that this is a day late. Wouldn't you know I would get sick yesterday so went to bed instead of posting.

Description: Let's make a moodtheme part deux! Flash challenge!!!

Requirements1 - Images are to be 90x50 px only. (90 wide x 50 height ( Read more... )

cycle 04, user: blue_sunflowers, graphics, challenge, challenge 29

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Q/C blue_sunflowers July 26 2020, 03:44:01 UTC
RE: Q/C sgafirenity July 26 2020, 04:41:51 UTC
How exactly are we going to have any chance of getting any of those additional points if we can only submit three images. There are 18 words. What happens if not all the words get filled? I’m also curious to know why the challenge is less than three days? I thought I misread until I clicked the countdown. Basically if I don’t scrap my day tomorrow, I’m out on participation, and I’m sure some of the others will be too.


Re: Q/C blue_sunflowers July 26 2020, 10:09:38 UTC
You can submit up to 15 images. I'm sorry you're upset by the due date, but please keep in mind you don't have to participate (or participate fully) for every challenge.


RE: Re: Q/C sgafirenity July 27 2020, 00:49:18 UTC
I am well aware that I don’t need to participate in everything, I think that’s a common thing for all landcomms. What isn’t fair is that this challenge looks like a lot of fun, and you’ve chosen to basically alienate anyone that can’t drop everything and participate. Make it a week, heck even like five days would be fine but two days...? That’s insane. I’m really curious to see what your results are going to look like.


RE: Re: Q/C neaptidea July 27 2020, 13:47:08 UTC
Bingo challenges last even less time, a few hours only. This is no more unfair than that.


RE: Q/C jacquelee July 27 2020, 12:31:30 UTC
Where do you put your sigtag / submit your links? I mean, it's so few, I guess we don't need to submit links, but then, as I asked, where does my sigtag go?


RE: Q/C blue_sunflowers July 28 2020, 04:04:32 UTC
Uhm, yeah....forgot to put that up. Uhm, automatic credit!!!!!



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