Challenge 28: Inspiration

Jul 20, 2020 22:13

Hullo! Tis me, blue! As soon as I can post on my laptop I will be updating the site, answering the feedback challenge, and posting more challenges! Be aware I am posting a 48 hour speed challenge for the moodtheme this weekend!

Description: Use this post I made as inspiration for a tumblr graphic.

Requirements: Must link/show image of what inspired you. Also for FYI - Tumblr sets its graphic limits at no more than 540x810.

Points: 201 max.

20 points for at least 20 words about your reasoning for your inspiration.

20 points for a tumblr graphic that has 5 or less images. Double if gif image.

30 points for a tumblr graphic that has 6-9 images. Double if gif image.

40 points for a tumblr graphic that has 10 or more images. Double if gif image.

10 points if you put text on the tumblr graphic. Double if moving text image (gif).

1 point for sigtag.

Due Date: Friday, July 31st @ 23.59 Pacific. Countdown clock here; Time converter here

cycle 04, user: blue_sunflowers, challenge 28, graphics, challenge

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