Challenge 22 - MEMETOWN

Jul 06, 2020 20:47

Hello everyone, I'm your guest host this week and below is the first challenge of the week:

Challenge 22 - MEMETOWN

Description: Create your own memes! They can - but don't have to be - fandom related.

Requirements: Go to a website with a a bunch of blank memes (like this one, but there are tons more) and pick a meme or five. Insert whatever text you like - it can be fandom-related or not, that's up to you.

[click for the images]

Fandom (Teen Wolf):

Points: 15 points per meme, you can make up to 5 (max 75 points)

Due Date: Monday, July 13, 8 pm Middle European Time ( countdown, time converter) has been extended by 24 hours because I had no internet last night... July 14, 8 pm (countdown

guest host, cycle 04, challenge, user: seraphina_snape, challenge 22

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