Challenge 4: About the Birds and The Bees….

May 12, 2020 16:17

Time for some fresh sigtags.

Create 6 snaggable sigtag blanks (300px150p) with a nature theme post them here as a new comment.
Fulfill requests for customizing your blanks for others.
Snag blanks from others and make your own

When posting to your team thread use this form
Link to my sigtag blanks ( Read more... )

user: sidhe_faerie, guest host, cycle 04, challenge 04, graphics, challenge, sigtags

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magical_sid May 19 2020, 11:02:14 UTC
seraphina_snape May 19 2020, 18:22:15 UTC
Oh, lovely! I'd like the first one please, with the Irish cliffs! (I think I've actually been there - or somewhere that looks very much like it!)

sera / crew sea


magical_sid May 27 2020, 13:11:45 UTC
seraphina_snape May 27 2020, 19:09:16 UTC
Yes, it's wonderful. Thank you!


neaptidea May 19 2020, 20:38:37 UTC
Could I have 2 and 6?

Please write the text using a similar color palette (white is always good if in doubt).

neaptidea, crew land (or just land, and you can use lower case or upper case letters for my name)


magical_sid May 27 2020, 13:18:14 UTC
neaptidea May 28 2020, 10:14:06 UTC
Oh, you made an extra :). Thank you, they are great.


magical_sid June 1 2020, 14:21:02 UTC
sidhe_faerie May 20 2020, 07:43:31 UTC
Can I have #6 please with pink text?

Endora Sea


magical_sid May 27 2020, 13:20:52 UTC
mravenwood May 20 2020, 09:19:35 UTC
Wonderful! Can I have 1 and 6?
amanda / crew sea


magical_sid May 27 2020, 13:26:20 UTC
sgafirenity June 4 2020, 04:51:41 UTC
If you are still creating some after the challenge ended, could I get number 2 and 4?

sgafirenity / crew land


magical_sid June 14 2020, 17:30:07 UTC

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