Lighthouse Challenge 26: Ghost Stories

Oct 15, 2019 04:40

Since Halloween is right around the corner, this activity is for telling ghost stories! Or about Autumn!

+Write 3 100-word drabbles
+Relate them to Halloween or Autumn in some way

Requirements: Post drabbles as a new comment and then link them under your team's submit form.

+50 points per drabble
+1 for sigtag
Total: 50- ( Read more... )

guest host, challenge, challenge 26, user: dragongirl3745, cycle 01

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dragongirl3745 October 18 2019, 18:36:26 UTC
Drabble 1:
Title: Trick or Treat Pt. 1
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Rating: G
Warnings: None

Detective Kenneth Hutchinson watched in amusement as his partner Detective David Starsky pulled out Halloween-inspired buckets. He started laughing as Starsky pulled open a cabinet door and pulled out bag after bag of Halloween candy. Sometimes he wasn't sure who got more excited about Halloween: his partner or the neighborhood kids.

"Stop laughin' at me Hutch and get your butt over here. I'm gonna need your help. I got the good candy for the kids. "

Hutch just laughed some more but obeyed his partner. He came up behind Starsky and wrapped his arms around Starsky's waist, completely content to watch.

Drabble 2:
Title: Trick or Treat Pt 2
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Rating: G
Warnings: None

Starsky leaned back into Hutch's solid chest and relaxed for a moment. He didn't mind Hutch laughing at him, he was used to it. He was just excited: after the long hospital stay, rehab, and therapy, he hadn't been sure that he would even be able to make it to another Halloween. And now he got to see a bunch of ghosts, goblins, and other terrifying creatures of the night come ringing his doorbell. He couldn't wait. He wriggled slightly in Hutch's arms,wanting to get the treats ready, but still wanting Hutch to hold him. Hutch released him.

Drabble 3:
Title: Trick or Treat Pt 3
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Rating: G
Warnings: None

Starsky felt a moment's disappointment, until Hutch turned him and lightly kissed him. Starsky grinned when Hutch pulled away. Hutch glanced at the clock and smiled back at Starsky.

"It's time for Trick or Treating, Starsky. You ready for all the kids?"

Starsky's face lit up at the sound of the doorbell and he bolted to the door with a bucket of candy in his hand. He pulled open the door and felt his heart melt at the little ghost, vampire, and ghoul waiting there. He dropped three pieces of candy into the kids' buckets. Halloween was so much fun!


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