Challenge 24: Music was my first love

Sep 27, 2019 08:00

Everybody loves Music, so let's create some Famixes! You have two options to choose from and I really hope that you like at least one of them.

Option A: Nonfandom
Create an Autumn Fanmix. This can be with Songs set in Autumn, with some certain words, songs you like to hear in autumn, etc.
I hope you get the spirit ;)

Option B: Fandom
Create either a Fanmix for your Fave Character or your OTP.

For both Options, you need at least 8 Songs, the Lyrics and the Links to YT or a Spotify Playlist. If you are unsure, here you can find an example made by me.
You can earn additional points by adding a description (why you choose a song, something about the fandom, etc.), a front and back cover and adding more song.

Post your Fanmix in your own Journal or in the keepers_log and link back to your team thread.

50 Points for doings Option A or B with 8 Songs and Links to YT or Spotify
+ 25 Points for adding a front and a back cover
+ 10 Points for adding a description
+ 2 Points for each additional song, up to 5 Songs (max. 10 Points more)
+ 1 for your Sigtag
= 96 Points possible

Due Date:
19th October 2019, 15:00 german time

guest host, music, challenge 24, challenge, cycle 01, user: magical_sid

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