Challenge 13: Jigsaw Puzzles

Jun 25, 2021 20:10

Description: It's Jigsaw Time!

Requirements: Complete any of the jigsaw puzzles linked below. Submit using the form below.

easy jigsaw
medium jigsaw
hard jigsaw
extra hard jigsaw

Submit to your team threads using this form:
easy jigsaw: IMGURL
medium jigsaw: IMGURL
hard jigsaw: IMGURL
extra hard jigsaw: IMGURL

Total Points:

- 10 for the easy jigsaw
- 15 for the medium jigsaw
- 25 for the hard jigsaw
- 40 for the extra hard jigsaw
+ 1 for sig tag
- total maximum of 91 points

Due Date: Sunday, July 4th, 8 PM Middle European Time (countdown | time zone converter)

NOTICE: I currently have some internet connectivity issues at home that might not get resolved until next week, so I can only sporadically go online on my phone. As a result, this challenge might get extended until I can reliably be online again. fixed it! *g*

puzzles, challenge 13, challenge, user: seraphina_snape, cycle 08

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