Challenge 08 - Fandom Question Meme

Jun 09, 2021 00:34

Description: Leave a comment with fandoms for other members to ask you questions.


- Leave a comment with at least 5 fandoms so others can leave you a fandom and questions for you to answer.
- Leave other members 1 fandom from their list and at least 3 questions so they can answer the questions. At least 3 questions please as some ( Read more... )

user: candream, guest host, meme, challenge 08, challenge, cycle 08

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Questions / Comments itsanonyx June 8 2021, 22:36:10 UTC

... )


RE: Questions / Comments sgafirenity June 10 2021, 01:11:22 UTC
I just want to make sure I calculated my points for question to others. It's per question, not comment correct? So I ask someone three questions, that equals six points, not two?


RE: Questions / Comments itsanonyx June 10 2021, 11:12:12 UTC
Oh, I see where it could be confusing. So I edited my entry:

+ 2 pts per question to others | up to 10 members (= 20 pts)

You will get 2 pts for every member you ask questions. So if you ask questions to 1 member it will be 2 pts. And if you ask questions to 3 members it will be 6 pts.


RE: Questions / Comments sgafirenity June 10 2021, 12:46:15 UTC
Good thing I asked then. Thanks for the answer, I’ll edit my comment.

In my opinion, you may want to edit it further. It still comes across like 2 points per question, not per member. You’re saying that regardless of questions asked, you get 2 points per member that you comment on. Maybe something like: 2 pts for each set of questions on members fandoms.... my two cents anyways. Maybe I’m the only one that was confused.


RE: Questions / Comments itsanonyx June 10 2021, 19:17:24 UTC
I edited the entry again.

But I kept checking links that members already posted and they are all to different people so far.


RE: Questions / Comments sgafirenity June 11 2021, 06:47:11 UTC
I’m sure the links are correct, I was thinking more the calculating points part. Without asking the question, I figured I’d hit the max amount of questions to be asked, when I actually hadn’t. Now I know it’s 10 different members and not individual questions.


RE: Questions / Comments mark_pierre July 4 2021, 08:33:19 UTC
Another extension request, please?
24 hours, because someone might ask me a question late and I'm on CET time...


RE: Questions / Comments itsanonyx July 4 2021, 11:55:08 UTC
I'll extend them until Friday. :o)


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