Challenge 30 - The Impossible Quiz 2

Jan 25, 2021 19:30

Description: Play the Impossible Quiz 2. If you remember the Impossible Quiz, you know this will be... well. Impossible. It'll be frustrating and you won't just need to think outside the box, you'll need to forget the box ever existed. :D Have fun!

- play the quiz!
- get as far as you can!
- you can start over and over (and over and over and over)
- keep an eye on your blood pressure :p

Submit to your team threads using this box:

How many questions did you successfully answer:
And how many times did you want to climb through the computer to strangle the makers of this quiz:

- 15 points for playing at least 5 questions
- 30 points for getting to question 40
+ 1 point for every additional question (41 - end of the quiz) that you get right

BE AWARE: There is no handy chart of which questions you got right at the end of your game. Once you see the "game over" screen, you have no possibility to take a screenshot. So we're doing this by the honour system. You simply tell me which question you last answered successfully and I'll believe it (unless you get through to the end, then it's pics or it didn't happen! *g*).

Due Date: Saturday, Jan 30, 8pm Middle European Time

guest host, cycle 06, games, challenge 30, user: seraphina_snape

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