Description: Vote for your favorite candidate!
Points: 10 points for voting
Due Date: Monday, January 25th @ 23.59 Pacific. Countdown clock
here; Time converter
hereCandidate: Beebo
Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Slogan: Beebo La-La-Loves You!
Campaign Image:
Candidate: Lydia Martin
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Slogan: Lydia Martin - Elegant, Brilliant, Class President!
Campaign Image:
Lydia is an AP student, which means she's intelligent, ambitious and interested in the school. She's also a very popular and well-known student (both in the school and in Beacon Hills) and would like to use her image to further the school and its students. Her best quality is that she's determined - once she's set her mind on something, she will make it happen.
Things Lydia Martin will do for you if she's elected class president:
1. More funding for clubs and teams - the lacrosse team is without a doubt the star team of Beacon Hills High School, but other clubs and teams deserve recognition as well. The chess club is playing with a Monopoly toke in place of a knight and the school newspaper staff have to use the lone computer in the library to do all their work. I will make sure they get the funding they deserve.
2. New carpet in the music room - everybody who has ever spent any time in that poorly-ventilated excuse for a music room knows the carpet gives off a headache-inducing smell that makes any kind of practice unendurable.
3. Healthier food options in the cafeteria - lunch is an important part of every student's day. The available food should be nutritious, healthy and balanced - giving our minds and bodies everything they need.
Endorsement Graphic Ad:
Candidate: Madi
Fandom: The 100
Slogan: Make Your Own Choice
Campaign Image:
Candidate: One-One
Fandom: Infinity Train
Slogan: Making the train better for all!
Campaign Image:
Candidate: Stiles Stilinski
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Slogan: Vote Weird - Vote Stiles!
Campaign Image:
Stiles has incredible focus - not always, of course, but when he does, he is in the zone and will finish any project and win any battle. Part of his long-tested and 90% successful strategy for negotiation is talking an issue to death until the opposing side gives up if only to escape the endless stream of words, thus winning him many battles. Stiles also has amazing attention to detail - he will pick up on the things the school board and the teachers might not want the students to notice, and then he will do something about it.
1. More computers in the library: trying to research a class assignment while half the class is trying to do the same thing is nearly impossible. There are not nearly enough computers (two! although one is forever not working properly) and that is absolutely unacceptable. Not every student has the option of doing their research at home, be it for a lack of time, quite or resources and the school should provide the means for students to do their assignments.
2. More flexible interpretation of assignments/ free choice of topic under a general over-topic: restrictive topics are the death of creativity and spell the end of student curiosity. Have you ever had to write an essay on a topic that could have been interesting, but the particular segment you were supposed to write about was the most uninteresting and bland part of the topic? Well, I'm going to make sure students will have some measure of choice of assignments in order to foster more enthusiasm for the work, thus bringing up their grades.
3. Coach should be limited to 5 minute pep talks, and no independence day speech ever again: if you are on the lacrosse team or have been in the vicinity of the lacrosse team on game days, you know Coach and his speeches. They are often weird, off-topic and colorful. Many a young player has been completely confused after Coach's speech, some terrified. I propose to limit Coach's time to give speeches and to ban the Independence Day speech in its entirety. As one freshman recently said in the locker room after said speech, "wait? Who are we playing, aliens?!"
Endorsement Graphic Ad:
Candidate: Todd
Fandom: The Magicians
#ToddIsTheNewEliot Campaign Image:
Poll Election Time!