Challenge 6: Juicy Gossip

Nov 10, 2020 07:33

Description: Your favorite character has just heard the juiciest piece of gossip ever. Write a fan fiction about Juicy Gossip!

Requirements: Write a fanfiction that answers all of the following questions. You may write more than 1 story but all questions have to be answered in each story.

What was it?
Who was it about?
Who will they tell?
Who told them?
Does it turn out to be true or false?

Post your story (or stories) to keepers_log your journal or AO3

Points: 5 point for 10 words up to 500 points (1000 words) plus 1 for your sigtag.

Due Date: 30 November 1159pm Pacific

Countdown clock here; Time converter here

user: sidhe_faerie, guest host, cycle 06, challenge 06, writing, challenge

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