(no subject)

Apr 24, 2024 16:52

This is the permissions list for OOC (out of character) activity.

Backtagging: Yes
Threadhopping: Yes
Fourthwalling/canon puncture: Ask first, please. Unless we're in Dear Mun because at that point, really, I've done it to myself :P
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Violence and language are fine. I don't play smut. I have no triggers, so no worries there.

This is the permissions list for IC (in-character) activity.
With IC permissions, it's a good idea to elaborate on what other players can expect from your character if they choose to do any of the following:

Hugging this character: Is fine. If it's meant to be a romantic gesture/come-on, however, Tandy is likely to react coolly.
Kissing this character: Cheek/forehead is fine. Lips are reserved for romantic relationships and even so, Tandy is likely to be extremely skittish about it.
Flirting with this character: Is fine. Keep in mind you're dealing with a girl with intimacy issues, basically; she's not going to flirt back.
Fighting with this character: Go for it. She'll reciprocate in kind, and she has superpowers. >:3
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Ask first. Chances are I'll be fine with it.
Killing this character: No thanks.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Is fine for communication purposes. Mind-control related, please hit me up first. If your character has the ability to see people's memories/past, or if they know an alternate of this Tandy Bowen, they're free to make mention of Cloak: she needs the shaking up. If your character has the ability to see/speak to the dead, they will be unable to do so with Cloak.

On that note, the Mun actually does have an explanation for where Cloak went; hit me up by PM if your IC interactions with Tandy seem to have reached the point of requiring your character to know it.

[other] info, [ooc], [sticky]

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