
Aug 14, 2005 20:02

lots of pictures behind the cut.

I was just looking at the photos of my dad and severely regret not bringing some photos of him in the late seventies/early eighties back to AZ with me, because he was actually handsome when he was younger and he had a striking resemblance to Jesus (people often say, when seeing photos of him in the seventies, "wow....he looks like jesus..." which is funny funny).

this is Maura, the step sister.

this is me with Eric, my gay exboyfriend.

this is a tree in my yard. the following pictures yard in maryland. which is boring, but pretty.


this is brittany fake smiling at my dad's house.

this is my dad being old.

this is Linda (my stepmother) with my dad. Linda is very good at making polite conversation. its actually pretty amazing.

this is the dock. my dad sold his sailboat and bought a speedboat, but you can't tell in the picture so it doesn't matter.

my feet, the dock

THE CRABS ARE ANGRY! and (later) tasty. I realized this summer that I love maryland blue crabs not only because they are tasty but because i catch them myself and I get to watch them fight eachother and generally be grumpy bastards, then I get to hear them die. it sounds evil, and maybe it is, but god its satisfying.

my brother, Isaac, who happened to be in maryland at the same time (luckily, as I can always do with some good weed when I have to spend time with my dad)

hooray, a coffee table!

I told john to "look like you look normally" because he always makes really ugly fake smiles for the camera.

John isn't watching the road...oh no!

I don't like this picture of me but oh well, because I am being a badass cowboy and I have red hair now. (The hat is john's and I don't like it, but he somehow pulls it off so what does it matter...)

this is my new turtle friend, Chauncey.

Chauncey can see into your soul.

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