lets pretend we don't exist, lets pretend we're in antartica

May 22, 2005 23:52

coworker rebecca's vegan housewarming party was small and pleasant. her house is much larger than mine and she pays only 50 dollars more...but she has to deal with fairly constant trains screaming their way by. i weighed it out and decided that I'd rather have this place. small fridge and all. I talked to this cool guy that works at the school for deaf and blind (he solved the not-really-a-mystery-but-still.. thing i had with blind people learning to cross the street at the intersection near my house. its amazing, really.

anywho, we talked about music stuffs and while he wasn't ignorant to good music, he didn't know about a few of my favorite bands and he acted really excited about getting new music reccomendations. I don't think he was really flirting with me, but when I mentioned john, our conversation sort of died and we didn't talk much after that, which made me sad.

nothing interesting happened today. jessica and i went to denny's after work (mostly because we passed a bunch of resturants and didn't want to turn back and got sick of trying to choose. so we turned into dennys) and the staff was weird, as usual. I overheard a server talking to another about american history x and how great the jaw cracking part was, and then he said something something fucking jews something something. and he was bald, which always helps when one is suspected of being a nazi skinhead. i tried to be more jewish to piss him off, but one can't will oneself to be jewish. ah well.

yep. and i want to get a tattoo design soon, so jessica is very willing to do it (shes an art major of sorts and is very talented)...i want a celtic/tribal style phoenix. I have this sort of vague yet specific idea in my mind. I'm hoping to find sort of similar designs online somewhere. anyway. if ms.wissmar is willing (and reading this), it'd be cool if you wanted to design it. i'll have to post an example. but, only if you feel like it. I'd just prefer to have a friend design my future tattoo.
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