Rated RS, for Reference Sheet! Because Grey needed one. I made one long ago, but it wasn't very good. So. Out with the old, in with the new!
Name: Grey Almos Trinidad
Height: 6'4''
Weight: 190lbs
Presumed Age: 27
Gender: Androgynus Male
Eye color: Multicolored
Species: Wolf (Canus Lupus)
Ethnicity: Japanese
Body markings: ~Scar upon his left temple over same eye. Aquired through a battle long ago defending his father's honor. ~Cross scar upon his left breast, markings left by his siblings during a sparring session, one for each sibling, crossed over his heart. ~Diagonal shapped scar across his stomach during a battle defending something very precious to himself. ~Wide scar over his right shoulderblade, supposedly appeared after the first portion of his father's power was aquired through rigorous training.
History: He was born in 1590, during the Edo Era back in Fudal Japan. While defending the city his father ruled over, from a bandit raid, a mystical oni appeared, springing forth from the very pits of hell itself. While in the midst of battle, Grey was yet a boy of 14. Fighting alongside his family, they all had managed to push back the invading forces and saved their city from anihilation. Unfortunately, his father and mother were placed under a curse. Should the Oni be defeated, their lives would be taken, and he vowed to return in a few years hence to reclaim the land they had settled upon. Returning, the fight had raged on once again. The battle was prolonged long enough to discover of a way to nullify the curse, but it was too late. Fearing the worst may be irreperable, Archimedies, Grey's father and mother had slain the Oni, in turn fufilling the conditions of the curse and ending their lives. With The Oni's final, dying power, he had flung Grey and his siblings through a time rift, into the future. Here is where they landed, in the 21st century, though separated when they arrived. Each of the Trinidad siblings are still searching the world for each other, wanting to reunite what little ties of family they have left.
Bio: Grey studied under his father, trained through the ways of Bojutsu (Staff and Stick), Jujutsu (Grapple Arts), Kenjutsu (Technique of the Sword), and Battojutsu (Sword Drawing Art). He was trained to hone his physical prowess, mental capacity, reflexes, reaction time and combat prowess as both as a commander and soldier. He was meant to take up the position as the Daimyo of his father's Dynasty upon his passing, carrying on the legacy until Grey had created another suitable heir.