Triskaidekafestival Plans

Mar 04, 2013 12:03

I should definitely do a "what am I signing up for" thing for my own con. Did I mention that signups open tonight? They totally do! Go check out the schedule and be ready to sign up at 7! Also it is not too late to bid a game, and we could use a few more!

Friday Night
Running The Prince Comes of Age with morethings5 and Bernie. I'd like to get a good mix of experienced and new LARPers, because I think Prince is a pretty newbie-friendly game but we also have friends who have not yet played!

Saturday Morning
I've wanted to play Shine since I first heard about it, and had to miss it at Intercon. Especially now after hearing good feedback from the first run, I am even more eager to play at Festival, and being the con chair it's not as though I won't be there in the morning anyway. First-round pick!

Saturday Afternoon
All of the stuff I said about Shine above also applies to High Tea, but High Tea is a bigger game and has run more times, so I am hoping that it doesn't fill first round. Second-round pick; failing that, I would be interested in playing any of the other afternoon games, except Garden of Forking Paths, which I already played and thoroughly enjoyed.

Saturday Night
Tough choice! I would love to finally play in House of the Rising Sun, which I have always somehow missed in previous runs. Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged LARP comes highly recommended and sounds like great fun, so I would be happy with that, too. A Single Silver Coin is also very tempting - love the concept, love the creative team. There's no way that The Other Side of the Glass will still be open by third round, and I've already played Cracks in the Orb (which was AMAZING). I'd be happy with any of lots of options in this slot.

Sunday Morning
I'll be helping zapf by AGM'ing An Un-Conventional Odyssey, unless he can find someone else, in which case I'd love to play in Break A Leg or just run around putting out fires as Con Chair. Most fires are dealt with by Sunday, though.

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