
Apr 27, 2007 16:22

We have had some great entertainment this week. 
The Production Shows rocked. The cast has been putting forward alot of effort to NOT make it look like they are board as hell. 
Tony Tillman: FANTASTIC of the best vocalists we have had on the ship. The great thing is he does such a range. He went from Country to Do-wop to Rap etc...
Gary Muledeer: I think I have worked with this guy in Buffalo but he does a great Country set of Johnny Cash. I am sitting in his rehresal. He does alot of comedy as well but won't do it durring rehrsal becuase he was us to "Enjoy the show" If he does it he thinks he we won't be intersted durring the show.

Not much going on on the ship. Bored. Trying to save money. Reading a Novel by Newt Gangrich....yes thats what I said, Newt.
Its baised on what would have happened if Lee won Gettysburge. Its decent. He is fairly skilled at evoking the chaos, havok, horror and beauty of battle. He is pretty bad with characters though. They are pretty one demetional and he will add one to a chapter with out really telling you who they are in respect to what is going on.

Oh I did get some good/bad news. I am being considered for a promotion to Lounge Tech if I decide to do another contract. 
Thats a converstation for Sara and I; and I don't think its going to go well. 
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