
Apr 08, 2007 15:02

Hey everybdoy!
Sooo I am just about halfway through my Contract..
I don't know if I am going to take another...I will probibly do it...but that depends on if they want to permote me and hire Sara.
If they permote me and they don't hire Sara...its going to take some consideration...
If they don't permote me, and they don't hire here I come. Or NYC for a bit...but who knows.
I really really don't want to spend another 6 months away from Sara. I really don't this has been way to hard on her. It has been very hard on US...but way to hard on her to be particular.
Sooo I got injured the other day.
I got my hand crushed in a heavy locker door. (The locker doors here are about 7 inches thick and made of metal to stop fires...this one in particular had a strong spring on it.) I bloodied up my left hand pretty bad and I have a tiny fracture in my pinky. The Drs. on board said it was nothing to worry about but it still hurts like mad. 
They had to let some blood out from under my pinky and my ring finger fingernails. That hurt more then the door closeing on them becuase they actually burnned a hole in my fingernail. OUCH!!! It put me into a bit of shock. Which is funny because I have seen fingers come off becuase people weren't being careful around saws...
The amount of people they had to call for something so simple was incredable. They had to call....My Boss, My Division head (Cruise Director), the Ship Doctor, the security officer on duty, and the cheif safety officer. I was like Oh fuckin eh! Come on already its just some blood under a fingernail!
Apparently its a really common injury according to the safety officer. He took a pictuer of it and it's hanging on the main walkway thought the bottom of the ship in a few places.I am known as "Door boy"
My hand still hurts a bit but I am back on duty and the bloodletting acutally made my fingers feel about 1000000000000000 times better. 
Sooo leason learned. Be careful around heavy firedoors that don't have a way to keep them open!
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