Contes SLAMtastique Storytelling - Tonight, Monday the 12, at 7pm - Suggestions

Dec 12, 2011 13:32

A Reminder, I am the featured storyteller at tonight's SLAM storytelling competition.

Join us for our third evening of SLAMTelling
Joignez-nous pour notre troisième soirée de Conte de Slam!

Shaika Cafe
5526 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec
Deuxieme lundi de chaque mois, 7pm // Second Monday of each month, 7pm
Prochain Slam: 12 décembre 2011
Next event: December 12th 2011

Cinq juges, cinq minutes, des contes incroyables! (lisez les regles)
Five judges, five minutes, incredible storytelling! (read the rules)

Conteur invité / Featured Teller: Laurent Castellucci

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