As is the XmasDay tradition, my family and I went and saw a blockbuster at a largely-empty movie theatre at midday. Since it's got all the hype, we went and saw Avatar - in 3D although not in IMAX.
It's very pretty. They really did a fantastic job getting past the uncanny valley in expressions and movement. The flora and fauna of Pandora is lovingly rendered (even if Cameron might be a wee bit too much in love with the phosphorous look).
Story-wise, it is simplistic and very obvious. Which is fine, I can like that sometimes. That it also hits just about every white-guilt "What these People Need is a White Leader" button is pretty irritating after a while, though. (And lets not get into the racial split in the cast.)
I do think Sigourney Weaver looked great as a Na'vi though. :)
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