
Jun 16, 2007 19:21

1. Where were you at 3:18pm today? Hunting quail

2. How did you get the idea for your MySpace name? Emily came up with it.

3. What song are you listening to right now? William Fitzsimmons

4. Do you click on pop-ups? Nope

5. Do you own an iPod? Yep

6. What was the first thing you thought this morning? Fruit salad

7. Is the person that you have a crush on older or younger? Younger

8. Whats your favorite memory from this weekend? Six Flags and rino dancing

9. What was the last thing that you had to eat? fridays

10. Who is the last person that you hugged? Emily

11. What do you really dislike at this moment? My hair cut

12. What did you dream last night? Bad dreams all around.

13. What was the last TV show you watched? That shit rots your brain. And then worms move in, build houses, and pave roads in your brain. Then they all go back to there homes after work and watch t.v. then the whole prosess startes all over again.

14. What is your favorite piece of jewelery? That sounds so gay

15. Name 2 people on your Top Friends who are most like you? There's only one me

16. Do you always lock your door? Mine dosnt have a lock on it.

17. Do you like your boss? Haha good one

18. Are you on any medication? nope.

19. What side of the bed do you sleep on? All sides.... im a big dude.

20. What color shirt are you wearing? Grass colored

21. What is your favorite frozen treat? Milkshakes!

22. How many piercings do you have? Lip and ears

23. What's your favorite store? Hmmm don't know

24. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss? Nah Im good

25. Do you care what people think about you? Just my girlfriend. Unless it has something to do with my hair lol otherwise she's the only one I've got to impress

26. Have you ever moshed? Joking around maybe

27. Do you like the person who posted this last? Ya she's okay

28. What is the thing that you would like to change about yourself the most? God everything

29. What words do you say a lot? Fuck

30. What do you smell like right now? Idk but its smells good

31. What do you tell yourself when times get hard? Lol

32. Would you ever sky dive? Hell yes!

33. Who was the last person you saw with their shirt off? Lots of people at six flags

34. Do you enjoy giving hugs? Yes?

35. Have you ever been to Australia? I wish

36. Do you own a digital camera? Yup

37. What celebrities do people say you look like? They only say that when my hairs short and I have a beard lol

38. Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call but don't? I think it would annoy most people

39. Are you a jealous person? Only when given a reson to be

40 to 49? Ugg. Just stop that shit. Every one of these dose that and you think your fucking clever.

50. What was the last thing you typed? Your moms a whore

51. Do you ever feel guilty about eating meat? Humans are fucking carnovors so why should anyone feel guilty?

52. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be? Quanisha.
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