New icon! Fridge magnets = YES (
Also, a slight rearrangement for this here livejournal.
I'm currently enjoying the White Stripes new album. I reckon it's better than the last one. I wonder what their earlier ones are like?
I should be beginning to worry; I need to have done more art work than I have done. I should be panicking. (I misuse semi-colons)
Today was tee shirt weather, so I decided to work outside because there was the most light available. Except there was too much light and I couldn't see what I was drawing (it was bin bags, if you're interested). So I moved the crappy plastic garden furniture onto the grass, with my back to the sun. This was too hot, since the great tree slaughter of 2002 there is no shade. I lay on the grass which was cooler but uncomfortable. After about two minutes I got distracted by the cats and watched them instead. I never got back to my work.
Last day of the holidaydays tomorrow, and my nail varnish is chipped.