Sep 09, 2005 15:30
English is definitely a class where my creative juices start flowing like crazy. I made up a poem, because I thought banging my head against the table would distract the people and their deep discussions on how to make a thesis statement.
I am so bored that I could shoot myself in the eye.
I would laugh and say, "ha, how did I not die?"
Then a thought was triggered,
Why not say I must skip these pointless classes
because I have died?
Of course, this would make God cry.
He does not like to lie.
Oh sigh.
ahhh. See the sheer talent resulting from this class? It's madness I say. I couldn't not control myself. I think I pretended to shoot myself in the head with my finger-shaped gun. I drew a pretty flower. Then when I was waiting for my mom for like thirty hours, I wrote a lot. It wasn't very meaningful. I would be praying, and then randomly write, "that girl has pretty hair." or "oh, there's Shane." I think I'm learning a lot. I had a mean sub in sign language today. She really scared me with her eyes all popping out of her head. I learned how to NEVER say "nice to meet you." I accidently said I wanted to have sex with someone or something. Heh heh, now wouldn't that make for an awkward conversation? This other girl and I were the only ones who caught on at one point, and the mean lady..I mean, Jennifer, haha, made me get up and do it in front of the whole class, AND THEY STIL DIDN'T GET IT. I put my hand over my mouth and said it for everyone when the teacher's back was turned. She got mad at us a lot for talking.
Andrew took his first step today. He was so cute. He stood up all by himself, took a step, and he didn't even fall. He had the biggest smile on his face as he looked for mom's approval. He was so proud of himself, and mom was so proud of him. It kind of reminded me of God and the rest of us. We try so hard and struggle just to stand. We want so much to walk as well as He can. Once we finally take that first step, which is always the hardest, we feel so accomplished. Even though it was such a wobbly step compared to the Lord's perfect stride, He's just as proud as we are...except more. Thinking about it kinda makes me smile.
I really enjoy this verse..
1 Peter 3:4
"but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God."
"Be still and know that He is God." -somewhere in Psalms.
Ugh, I cannot explain what I'm trying to say. I give up.