Dear Rick Riordan...

Oct 23, 2011 12:19

First of all, Son of Neptune? Off the hook. Didn't see ANY of the last half coming. Brilliance, my friend.

Now to business.

Please, I beg of you, don't kill my Annabeth! I'm pretty sure I was worse than Percy-- all I wanted was to see her. And you ended the book just before I could! That frightens me. As does the fact that you're giving us half-prophecies all over the place via your cutest character ever (Ella). I'm in love with Frank, but at least I'm prepared for his death. Even with Percy, I'd understand it if he went out in a blaze of heroic glory. In fact, all of the characters, from Piper to Tyson, I'm cool with it if you go on a killing spree. I will be inconsolable if you take Annabeth away. The prophecy sounds badass, like she's going to be kicking ass and taking names, but we know her fatal flaw is pride. And that's not good. Just... do me a favor and have Jason keep her in check? Something?

Can't wait for the next book. Fall 2012 is going to be awesome!

Yours in demigodishness,

pjo, annabeth, spoilers

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