these past 5 months

Feb 09, 2005 00:47

Going to school in New York City is like one giant roller coaster ride. My roomates are some of the most complex and intersting people that I have ever met. We have our fights, our ups and downs, but all in all weve been tearing this damn city up. Weve had so many good times and its only been 5 months. But I guess thats what u get when u live with 3 awesome chicks. This city has challenged me a lot. In the beggining, I have to admit I wanted to go back to Middletown where it was familiar and comfortable. I was missing my family and of course my friends--not to mention my own room, my car and the smell of fresh air. But I ended up sticking it out because I knew I wanted to be in this damn city for a reason and I wasnt about to let myself give up on it again. All of a sudden I fell completely in love with it. Sometimes I find myself staring out my window in complete awe of the view. I love everything about it--the buildings, the crowds, the lights, the taxi cabs and of course the bars. In the past five months I have have learned more things about myself than I ever expected to learn in a lifetime. I have met some of the craziest, stuck up, and talented people and I have made the most amazing friends. I have to say that Danielle and Sheli are two of my newest closest friends. Its amazing because I had no idea I could become so close with people I have known for such a short period of time. My classes have been tough but I learn a hell of a lot more than I did at community college. And I am proud to say that my gpa is now a 3.4 lol. Overall, coming here has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

I think I'm going to be writting in this thing a lot. Its almost as addicting as the damn facebook.uh huh facebook makes me mad because it makes people feel like they have more friends than they do so then they want everyone theyve ever talked to to be their friend. i know how many friends i have and i dont need a damn website to reassure me of anything. [rolling my eyes]

I hate to let people dictate my moods but i just find some people incredibly selfish and pompus, and some people pathetic and grotesque. Dont you wish you could just shake them and say "WAKE UP!!" Anyway enough with the people bashing--today was so random. This guy in my communications class walked me to my dorm and asked me to go out for coffee. He was like "I'm so intersted in you..I cant beleive you dont have a boyfriend"..blah blah blah. He's 27 and sophistocated, kinda dull and didnt really find my sense of humor too appealing. So I was like "You should meet my roomate Amanda bc she likes older guys and I think you guys would really get along". When he met her..his face literally lit up. He could not stop smiling. They really hit it off and got eachothers numbers. I felt so good that i could help them out and didnt feel that bad about turning him down. So tonight was pretty good--but random lol

Jana will ALWAYS be my best friend. We met in fifth grade and have been inseperable ever since. She taught me how to say "I love you" and not feel awkward about it. She is my sister and the person who knows me better than anyone. She makes me laugh when I am sad, takes care of me when I am sick, and is always up for a good time. I only hope that I can be as good of a friend to her as she has been to me. I miss her sooooo much!! We saw eachother everyday in the summer. Now we see eachother once a month if were lucky. But we talk on the phone every day so that makes me feel better lol. I loooove her!!!

I am extremely tired now and am going to turn on my ipod and pass the fuck out. Writting in live journal is so theraputic. Goodnight.
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