What I had originally wanted to accomplish last night:
- Send e-mail that I meant to send on Sunday.
- Go home.
- Fix dinner.
- Take TV and some boxes to new place
- Play some LotRO.
- Go back to apartment.
- Fill another box with rest of kitchen stuff.
- Take kitchen stuff & Monopoly games to new place.
- Unload/unpack
- Go back to apartment.
- Sleep.
What I was invited to do last night:
- Go eat & socialize with FoD people.
- Everything else in above list after dinner, probably sans LotRO.
What I accomplished last night:
- Go home.
- Eat dinner.
- Take NyQuil.
- Sleep 5-1/2 hours.
- Take more NyQuil.
- Sleep 6 hours.
Sadly, I don't feel tons better this morning, either. Being sick the week when I'm finishing my move sucketh.