Snapshot Meme

Jun 20, 2009 19:18

Ken and Daisuke thanks for a great time at the carnival. I had tons of fun and the pictures we took are amazing! If you guys want copies tell me!

Shadow I haven't spoken to you in a while. How are you doing? Did you go to the carnival?

Oh and Youji I hope you're doing well too. ^^;

I've seen this on alot of people's journals on the NETWORK...and since Ken tagged me I'll do one. ^^;

[Something has arrived in your inbox.

"PLEASE TO FILL OUT NOW. ELSE WISE TROUBLE COMES. D:" is the title. There are instructions, which read as follows:

1) Fill out this survey!
2) Tag five people!
3) DO IT OR ELSE!!!!!

Describe the last person you kissed in two words:
I haven't kissed anyone.

What is your best memory:
Mm....having that picnic in he Digital World with everyone.

What is your roommate's worst quality:
Ken has no bad qualities about him.

What are you thinking about right now:
If I have enough ingredients for dinner.

Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex:
I don't believe so.

How about the opposite sex:
...I...haven't kissed anyone...

If you had to make out with one person on the island, who would it be:
I don't think about stuff like that.

Have you ever done drugs/smoked/drank alcohol:

What's the worst thing you've ever done:
...Failing to kick the ball straight to Tai when I was younger.

What do you regret most:
...Not asking for help sooner when I was taken to the Dark Ocean.

Who was your first kiss:
Never been kissed.

How many tattoos do you have:
I have none, Tai would kill me!

Who would you fight on the island, if you HAD to fight someone:
I wouldn't want to fight anyone though...

Who would win:
...No one? I wouldn't fight.

What's your favorite carnival game:
Mmm....throwing a ball at those milk bottles.

You either have to marry your roommate or kill them. Which do you choose:
I would never hurt Ken! So...I suppose it would be the former...

Where are you right now:
In the kitchen.

What are you wearing:
My new pajamas.

Who do you love most:
My family and friends.

What makes you a good friend:
Umm...I'm nice...caring...and I can't think of anything else at the moment. ^^;

What's the best way to be kissed:
Umm...I dunno?

Who is the one person you always turn to:
My friends...Tai....T.K....anybody I suppose.

When was the last time you laughed until you cried:
I haven't done that in a while.

Who was the last person you had an argument with:
I don't think I've argued with anyone.

If you could be anywhere at all, where would you be:
Home with Daisuke, Tai and Ken there. I wouldn't leave them on the island.

shadow, ken, meme, daisuke

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