Snapshot 43--Cold [Accidental video]

Sep 08, 2010 00:23

[The video feed turns on to reveal Hikari in bed. She's curled up in her covers and on her night stand are a few tissues and a glass or two.

The camera zooms in to show how red her cheeks are. There's a muffled cough followed by a sigh. Hikari pulls the covers away from her body, forcing herself to sit up. She grabs one of her cups, trying to take a sip of what inside--water or juice more than likely--and there's none. Her shoulders slump a little as she gets up only to see her LP is turned on.]

...I'm putting this in...a drawer now..[She shakes her head and turns the LP over so all the video sees is the desk and blackness.

The feed ends there.]

stupid lp, not feeling well, sick

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