So tired. So so tired. I can't figure out if I need to eat more or sleep more. Possibly both, but that would just be pushing it, right? It's laughable. There are not enough hours in the day to eat and sleep substantially.
My first full (half, actually) day back at uni, and I'm quite sure I'll fall asleep in the lecture. Bad Chey. Bad bad sleepy Chey. Will not make a good impression, and will hardly start off this year with the great new motivation I promised myself and all those around me over the age of 25 and possessing delusions of the power to influence me (aka GUIDE me. The fools.).
Theory of the lecture to come:
Lecturer: ...patching through to the sequencer using the CV gate of the matrix allowing--Yes?
Me: (Lowering hand) Erm. What is the... how is the klopfgeist patched into the synthetic instruments... or *yawns* into the... um, audio--real audio instruments, so it can... be treated... as... a... *snores*
And there is team practice today with the short creepy coach that gave me his mobile number for reasons I can't quite remember. He told me his name is Tom. His name is not Tom. His name is something else entirely, and such an obvious lie puts me on edge. He is either unbelievably idiotically deficient, or the man is simply suffering from mental illness, and decided it wise to communicate with me on a different level than "Keep your racket up!".
Why, oh why.
I shall die! I'll fall asleep in lecture, and then team practice with the guys and girls teams with the oddity of a man that is known as Coach (I refuse to call him Tom) finishing at 10, and then travelling all the way back to London in the dark.
I'm so tired.
So tired, I used hairspray today, then poked my hair and remembered exactly why I never use hairspray. It feels like a marathon of flies have regurgitated Essence of Fly all over my hair. Horrible.
And on a plus note! Yes! My 'plastic' is COMING! All five of them. Ames Lettering Guides, to be exact. YES! FINALLY! Also, new tablet totally rocks:
Ok, it's admittedly of a severely creepy nature. I like it. It's a half finished speed-painting. The fact is, it's not nearly as speedy as I had hoped. I guess I should practice being... speedy.