Oct 07, 2008 17:40
Fate has just BUTT RAPED ME!
I like to think of myself as a purely lovely honest sort, and by that, I do not deserve such fateful butt rap-age! My butt is my own! And no one goes near it!!!
So, really, from the beginning. Last night I was on the phone for a good long while, engaging in an amusing conversation about how it it had recently occured to me that, yes, Ghandi did also defacate. (A recent epiphany)
And while said conversation was ocurring, what happened? I was on the laptop. A popup... popped up. I clicked it down. Another one popped up. I continued laughing about the defecation, while clicking these bastards away... and generally being stupid. But oh no. Oh no no no. I decided to restart while my computer was in the midst of being VIOLATED!
I turned my back on it.
Now whenever I turn it on, I have five minutes before it turns itself off again. I've spent nine solid hours trying to fix it and its bastard disease. All I've managed to do is spend £80 on antivirus stuff that doesn't work, and figure out how to use the Internet on an ULTRA SAFE MODE with disastrous graphics and no everything. My files are seemingly gone. Thankfully almost everything that's important is on the external hard drive which I won't connect while there are such diseases.
Whyyyy did this have to happen, hmm? I've given to charity!!!
Interestingly, the diseases are only on certain partitions. The safe mode seems, rather safe... o.0*