Blue jean baby, LA lady, seamstress for the band.

Jun 03, 2004 21:51

Type your username with your:

nose: olighyt-so-yeooow
elbow: lighhjty_sdo_+yellowe
tongue: light_so_yellos
chin: likghnbt-0wso9-0yelol,oiwq
feet: light_so_yellows
eyes closed: light_so_yellow
one finger with eyes closed: light+sp_ytllot
back of hand: /.ikgvhtgPP{_szo_ye,l,las
palm: lighht_saoip_yelloiwq
mouse: olitght_sw9o_yellow
wrist: libgnbhg_szo_hds,,kas

Well, that was fun. Typing with your toes isn't hard at all. Rather amusing.
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