Nov 04, 2004 18:12
It is official. Both and hate me. I can see the pictures and all on them, but they won't let me see/download ANY of the media. Sob.
Edit: Another official fact for you. You know that worm/spider mess I was talking about a couple of days ago? That was not a worm. I swear it looked like a worm from about a yard away with no glasses on. It was a bright orange color. I thought that was a strange color for a worm, but I ignored it. It was still just nasty to me. So my mom picks up the pile of "worm"/spider in a paper towel and says it's a snake. Ummmmm. Snake. Snake, snake, snake. DUDE, I'M LIVING IN A SNAKE PIT NOW? What the heck? I know it was a baby snake, but still. Baby snakes have mommies. *shiver*