Oct 29, 2005 14:56
ok people!
life sucks! seirous it does there isn't anything to talk about.... wait how about i give you a update on how scouts are going.....
well mum say that i could join scouts yessss! and rach did too! me and rach were really nerous about what would happen at scouts but we have claire with us so we were going to be fine, it turns out that everyone is really nice! the leaders are really cool and friendly! and the kids there were really nice! and there were teaching me and rach all the scounts things and stuff and i meet claire's scount friend alex (she a girl) and she was awesome! she was into video games (of course i *heart* video games) and we were like talking about video games for ages! yeah it was a pretty fun night!
also we hear that in about march next year thewre are having a camp! yep! i am sooooo excitied! there have about 5 camps a year! OMG! that alot of camps! i was amazed! but that really good! i can't wait to good!
also i might be getting a ipod soon! OMG! i sooooo want one! *dies* mum says if i do get it have to share iot with my brother, I DON'T WANT TO SHARE IT WITH MY BROTHER! he put on really bad songs! that have have swears words and stuipd! god i just don't want to!