Will Trade Firstborn for Libertines Tickets

Aug 18, 2010 23:59

Yes, seriously! You'd have to impregnate me first, but I'd be entirely willing to give you the potential fruit of my loins in exchange for two tickets to the Libertines warm-up gig at the forum. It seems like a fair exchange
I'm not normally a fan of listing my good points, but now seems like a reasonable opportunity. And, when it comes down to it, genetics have been kind.
I have a good bone structure with high cheekbones, (naturally) blonde hair and moderately large blue eyes. Even when I screw up my eating habits altogether, my body remains happily at a healthy weight which shows, if nothing else, a resilience to being fucked up. I'm intelligent enough to be doing on target for a distinction at MA level, after graduating with a first (and the highest mark in my year) in English literature at cardiff last year. I'm musical and fiercely creative, can wink with both eyes and touch my nose with my tongue! What more can you want?
So there you go... my bid is on the table and a lot more serious than it sounds. If you want to take me up on it, just let me know..
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