Left shoes and undergarments. I should like to keep both thank you. To the man who removed my undergarments, do leave them where I put them instead of moving them slightly to my left.
As for the shoes, I suppose I can fake bohemian and walk around sans shoes all together.
Amanda has gone again. Knowing that it will happen and it happening are very different things. I know she is where she belongs. Sabine said that we are all here until we have no more need of being here. Still, it is always those that you are closest to that leave.
Thomas, I don't speak with him anymore. We aren't close as we once were.
Now, Amanda, the third person I had met here, has returned home. Who else, how soon? Will Doris leave soon, or Harry? I know they'll all leave me one day, but the question is always when.
It's strange how numb you can become after a time.